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The  sequelae of obesity  they also affect the extremities. Both in upper and lower limbs the stigmata of flaccidity appear. The surgical procedure aimed at improving the smoothness and shape of the legs is called  thigh lift  either  thigh stretch.

thigh lift

With the traction of the skin in this area, both medially and superiorly, we manage to smooth the distended skin of the thigh and thus raise the sagging tissue of the thighs and buttocks, notably improving the body contour.

The main motivations for undergoing surgery  thigh lift  are:

  • Reshape the body contour of those who think that the skin on their legs is sagging.

  • Reduce the volume of the thighs after losing weight or undergoing a slimming plan.

  • To be able to wear clothing that until now was uncomfortable or made someone who had legs or thighs in very bad condition feel uncomfortable.


Patients who undergo a  thigh lift  they improve both their appearance and their self-esteem, by feeling with a better silhouette. If you achieve your goals and expectations, the surgery will be a success.


Diagnostic Appointment

In the first consultation, you will receive information about the intervention, and the surgeon will take a medical history. In consultations prior to the intervention of  thigh lift  It is necessary to explore the areas to be treated, measure certain parameters and the general state of health, and take photographs. The physical examination, together with the age and history, will serve to request other complementary tests (analytics, electrocardiogram, etc.) before the operation. The measurements will help to decide the technique to use and the photographs will serve to evaluate the result.


It is important that you say if you have any major illness; if you smoke; if you take any medication; or if you are allergic to any medication or product. Our advice is that you should ask anything you doubt. It is important that you tell your surgeon what your expectations are, so that he or she can explain if they can be met or if there are limitations to them.


The Preoperative

As with any cosmetic operation that requires surgery, a thigh lift requires a preoperative period that the surgeon will indicate in consultation (analytics, special care, as well as the reading and signing of the Informed Consent).


The operation

It is advisable to carry out the thigh lift in a hospital center that has all the security measures, such as having an intensive care unit and always under the strict control of the anesthesiologist in the operating room. Once the patient who will undergo the thigh lift is asleep, the surgical field is sterilized and the operation is carried out, which usually lasts between two and three hours. Your surgeon will inform you of the usual and extraordinary measures taken into account for your safety during the thigh lift procedure, as well as during the medium and long-term postoperative period. The surgeon will choose the technical and human means that he considers best for his patients. The morning after surgery, the drains are removed and the patient receives a medical discharge report that specifies the recommendations and lifestyle to follow, as well as the medication to be taken in the following days.


Performing skin traction on the leg and thigh will depend on the anatomy of each patient and the personal recommendations of your surgeon. The incision can be only on the inner side of the thigh, in the inguinal crease, or take it to the gluteal crease. Sometimes, in a combined buttock and thigh lift, a circular incision is made. Your surgeon will make the best possible choice of incision, in order to minimize the scar and its visibility as much as possible. In most cases we perform liposuction to facilitate skin traction. Finally we remove the excess skin and suture the incisions made, closing the wound with a buried suture. The legs are then bandaged and a drain is left in place for two or three days to achieve proper healing. After surgery, the legs, thighs and buttocks will look better and the scars will fade over time.



The Postoperative

During the first days you will feel some discomfort and tiredness -which we will treat with medication-, and you will have to rest in bed, in order not to subject the sutures to tension. After the first week, you can begin to lead a normal life.  In the first days we will remove drains and bandages; and in fifteen days the sutures.  We will also indicate the type of pressotherapy garments that you should use. Although it will take a couple of months for the leg to return to its completely normal appearance, the swelling and some strange sensations in the skin will subside in the first month. The scars will be hardened and pink for at least a month and a half.

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