The sequelae of obesity They also affect the back area and the trunk.
The surgical procedure aimed at improving the appearance, smoothness and shape of the lower back and trunk is called back and trunk lift.
Back and trunk lift
Actually, in this type of operation, it is common to remove the exaggerated excess of skin and body fat in other areas of the body, such as the abdomen, flanks and lower back and gluteal area (Body Lifting). Many patients tend to initially treat the areas that make up the lower half of the body: abdomen, buttocks and thighs. But after observing the results, they also usually choose to improve the upper thoracic area, achieving an improvement in the overall body contour. These situations occur due to significant weight loss, after multiple pregnancies or as a result of age and cannot be resolved with just one liposuction.
In many of these cases, the abdomen, hips, lower back, buttocks, and thighs are often involved with excess hanging tissues. By removing and readapting excess skin and adipose tissue that may exist in the back area, we reshape and improve the patient's body contour. The thoracic region or the upper half of the trunk and back is altered with the process of massive weight loss. Excess skin and tissue ptosis produce a decrease in the inframammary folds, in the lateral area of the breast and back, and inverted "V" deformities at the anterior and posterior levels of the trunk.
Diagnostic Appointment
In the first consultation, you will receive information about the intervention, and the surgeon will take a medical history. In consultations prior to the intervention of back and trunk lift It is necessary to explore the areas to be treated, measure certain parameters and the general state of health, and take photographs. The physical examination, together with the age and history, will serve to request other complementary tests (analytics, electrocardiogram, etc.) before the operation. The measurements will help to decide the technique to use and the photographs will serve to evaluate the result.
It is important that you say if you have any major illness; if you smoke; if you take any medication; or if you are allergic to any medication or product. Our advice is that you should ask anything you doubt. It is important that you tell your surgeon what your expectations are, so that he or she can explain if they can be met or if there are limitations to them.
The operation
It is advisable to carry out back and trunk lift in a hospital center that has all the security measures, such as having an intensive care unit and always under the strict control of the anesthesiologist in the operating room. Once asleep, the patient who will undergo the back and trunk lifting, the surgical field is sterilized and the operation proceeds. Your surgeon will inform you of the usual and extraordinary measures taken into account for your safety during the surgery. back and trunk lifting, as well as during the medium and long-term postoperative period.
The Postoperative
You will have to wear an abdominal orthopedic girdle for 3 or 4 weeks, although you will be able to go back to work a few days after surgery, keeping a prudent rest for important physical efforts.